Post by bluedragon1587 on Dec 10, 2004 8:24:08 GMT -5
I have had my dragon for about 3 weeks and recently he has been sort of dragging his left hind leg. It is only noticible in the water. I have a UV bulb, and I have been dusting the crickets and mealworms every other feeding. Could this be a sign of MBD? What else can I do to try to stop it or am I just worrying too much?
Post by Patrick on Dec 10, 2004 9:20:27 GMT -5
Hello Bluedragon1587 I do not think is MBD if he is only doing it in the water. Now if he is doing it all the time I would be concerned if you have a UVB lamp on him how far is it away? And how new is it? But I would watch it and if it gets worse I would make a vet appointment for him to have if check out. Some times we worry more then we need to but thats a good thing sometimes
Post by Pooka on Dec 10, 2004 10:15:25 GMT -5
Hi blue dragon I answered similarly on the other board (as HeavyMetal) I am with patrick, if its only in the water she may just be 'favoring' it. It may be sore or she may just be lazy with that leg. I would only worry about it if its very noticebale elsewhere also. MBD is usally characterized by trembeling or shakeing after eating and a pliable soft jaw that bends while eating...these are early warning signs. So watch and see how she does. Trust your 'gut' if you have a serious reservation that nibbles at you take her to the vet $30 is a fair price for peace of mind. Keep us posted.
Young Adult
Posts: 63
Post by char on Dec 12, 2004 19:46:02 GMT -5
I know this is strange question but could your wd be shedding? Mine will drag himself around in the water before and during shedding. I think he's trying to work the skin off or maybe he's itchy. lol This is the only time he does it though. My baby wd, Tude, does have MBD (or was being treated when I got him and is fine now - knock on wood).
Post by bluedragon1587 on Dec 13, 2004 8:11:11 GMT -5
I took Sobe to the vet and they said that he had a muscle inflammation in his leg. They said that it probably originated at the pet store and for me to add calcium to his water until the leg is back to normal. At least it was something easily treatable
Post by Pooka on Dec 13, 2004 9:49:40 GMT -5
Great to hear that sobe is gonna be ok and that it was not something serious and far along. I worry alot because when a dragon shows valid signs of illness or decline it is often too late, so I stress on the littlest thing I notice with Pooka.
Young Adult
Posts: 246
Post by wdm on Dec 13, 2004 13:00:13 GMT -5
Glad everything is ok with your little one and Pooka I worry at every little thing. Also when people say gee just wait and see I tell them to look at the before and after pic of Cronus. That is how things can end up when they do the wait its no big deal they will be fine thing. Seems so often by the time you can tell something is wrong it is very wrong. Now when someone says they want to get a lizard I'm half crazy with the do you have a clue how to take care of this critter??? So many think get it put it in a cage throw some food in and there you go. Heck I was the same way till all this with Cronus. Thank goodness there are site out here to help I don't know how I would have gotten us by without them. Sorry to get on a rant Insanity does rein around here lol